5 Reasons to Employ Email Marketing Today

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Have you been looking for ways to incorporate digital marketing strategies lately? Or do you just want to explore the world of online marketing? Email marketing could be the answer in either scenarios!

In this mayhem of corporate world, every company is battling with their competitors to acquire more and more conversions. There are numerous ways to generate leads and revenues and every business has their marketing strategies aligned right as per the books.
But do they know how things keep evolving as we go and how businesses take an unpleasant turn even if a single marketing strategy goes wrong. Apparently not! Experts know that marketing is paramount and this is why they pay maximum heed to it.

A marketing team finds the most valuable data to create enlarged constructive content such as blogs, infographics, videos and many more. In 1988, Nike launched a marketing campaign called ‘Just do it’ to promote sales. The campaign was so successful that today ‘Just do it’ has become Nike’s trademark. Need we say more about marketing?

With so many kinds of marketing strategies such as social media advertising, influencer marketing, content marketing, purpose driven marketing why do we want to talk about email marketing? Emails have been around the corner ever since the internet was introduced and almost everybody checks their emails today. Many would say that email marketing is obsolete today. We say NO as we see many top notch companies leveraging email marketing strategies to get a large number of leads.

So what exactly are these benefits that we keep talking about?

  1. Stronger and Loyal Customer Base – Having a strong email list means having a loyal customer following. Your social media followers might miss out on your recent content but your email list customers will take over as they signed up for your products in particular. When a customer signs up for your email list, they feel entitled to receive updates such as newsletters, new product or campaign launches.
  2. Brand Awareness – Email marketing techniques such as sending recommendations after a customer bought a product or sending customized emails when a new product/ campaign is launched, etc. are sublime ways to acquaint more customers with your business. Typically marketing experts add a ‘call to action’ button in their emails with a captivating one liner to encourage the customer to click. These tactics are proven methods, which eventually increases brand awareness and click-through-rates.
  3. ROI – It has been observed that emails are 40% more effective than any other social media platform. As per Constant Contact, when a business spends $1 on email marketing, they receive a revenue of $38. Many marketing opportunists are already aware of this fact and have achieved laudable goals such as highest conversion rates, wider audience reach, increased click-through-rate (CTR) on their website and an increased ROI out of their online business.
  4. Cost Effective – If you have a budget set aside for marketing purposes, you may want to consider email marketing. Since the customer following is usually dynamic, it is rather easier to recreate, redesign, and re-purpose your content with an allocated budget.
  5. Direct Reach – Receiving an email with “Hello” or “Hello Dave”, which sounds better? The one with your name, right? Such email tactics ensure that the customer feels valued enough. Email marketing is a tried and tested method, which allows you to segment your customers as per demographic trends. And this works brilliantly in reaching out to a targeted audience.

Having a business with great revenue is excellent but building a valuable relationship with your customers is even better. If you have not been able to utilize email marketing yet, the time is now because ‘better late than never’.